The squeal following The Avengers: Age of Ultron is an action packed adventure following Steve Rogers as he leads the new team of Avengers in their prolonged efforts to guard humanity. After yet another international incident involving the team new international laws restricting the team are in place to determine when the team is needed to fight against crime. The team is quickly needed as new villains emerge.
Another fantastic film from the Avengers series. The guys at Marvel really know how to make a thrilling superhero film! With fantastic user and critic ratings the film has been an absolute hit for all, but could you really expect otherwise with such a fantastic cast featuring big names such as Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Evans? The film has impressed almost all critics who have written reviews. Drew Mcweeny from Metacritic said: "What makes Captain America: Civil War such a terrific accomplishment is the way it takes what could have been the most crass and overcrowded story to adapt as a film and instead transforms it into an examination of just who these heroes are and what impact they’ve had on the world around them, and vice versa." In his review in which the film scored 100%, Drew does not stand alone when complimenting the film either. RottenTomatoes critic Brain Lowry quotes that the film is "thematically ambitious and extremely entertaining" also comparing the film in positive light next to the newly released Batman Vs Superman film. I've never watched the short series myself but it sure sounds like marvel has nailed this one!